A Poem About Google
[conceived while lying in bed one night, trying – in vain – to sleep.]
– with apologies to John Betjeman
Whatever will rhyme with Google?
There’s only the Scottish name ‘Dougal’;
Why! in Scots I shall try
With my words to get by,
If I give them a shake and a shoogle.
I’d love to say more about Google,
But your rhymes are annoyingly frugal;
Whilst searching for ages
Through nine billion pages
The best you could offer was ‘bugle’.
What else can I couple with Google?
If I cheat, p’rhaps I can use wriggle;
But in vain at my chair
Do I stare, and I pair,
For my brain is all higgledy-piggle.
My eyes are now square-shaped to ogle,
At pages all footered with …oooooogle,
But how many ‘o’s
Are out there? Who knows!
And thus my rhyme endeth with Gooooooooooooooo…ooooooooooooogle.
By Annie Copland
© 2009 Annie Copland. Not to be reproduced without the express permission of the author.